Learn more about how to begin your two year journey of Confirmation below!
Confirmation Year 1 gives you an opportunity to put your faith into action. We ask all our students to complete at least 4 hours of service. These hours can be served at the parish, the Food Pantry, as well as through the community, school, or on a mission trip, and more.
If your Teen does service work with Scouts, Encuentro, NCL, Interact, or another service-oriented organization, those hours can also be counted for the Confirmation requirement. In addition, we also accept and encourage service hours completed in a Parish-based ministry (Altar Servers, Ushers, Teen Assistant for Faith Formation, Teen Leader, etc.).
We will offer multiple opportunities for serving others throughout the year, and will notify parents via email or Flocknote with links to sign up. Teens must record their service on the form (below) and have it signed at the service event. Hang onto the form until all paperwork (Baptism certificate, birth certificate, and sponsor form) is requested.